so yea... yesterday me, abi, aina, lisha, hakim n nithi went to mid valley to PARTAY.. spm just seriously, i cant even believe its over! its vry sad... i always loved school(ignore the
time i sleep in class whn teachers are too borin).. hmm, so anyways we watched 2012..its a
wonderful movie, its like THE must watch movie.. i cried watchin that movie and pity nithi, once
again have to see me cryin while watchin movie.. haiz. it really makes me wonder, what if this
really happens? wad if world gona end tomoro and u fight wid ur mum today... its rather a vry
sad thing..why dun we all treat each other nice thinkin that world mite end any time, with this
thr wun be any heartache whn the world actually comes to STOP! anyways, moving on to the
best part of yesterday is, the time i spent with my frens n nithi.. lisha, abi n me, we just had so
much fun changin and takin pic in the dressin room.. we were goin nuts.. we were actually
camwhorin! ok thn, i picked up this vry nice baju for nithi at romp... for the love of my god, u
wouldn't even believe that, nithi looked so SMOKINNNN HAWT... ok thn we buy baju d.. we
walked around n all.. thn in movie, it was so nice to lean on nithi n hold his hand n watch the
world 'endin' in front of my eyes in the movie! haiz... life is so funny, u living life whn watching the
ending of life... so bla n bla n bla. movie finish d thn balik lor.. but nithi n me went to buy
somethin first b4 chow. he actually bought me ring, the couple ring.. and like omg it cost rm35
per ring.. poor child paid 70 bucks all together n we even got our name carved in the ring...aww i
just love my nithi so much...seriously nithi, yesterday was the day of my life...and my girls thanx
so much, i had so much fun... i love u guys
in love, BLONDE...
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