
A silver lining among the clouds, maybe?

GOD! Why are we all emoing? Is this wat SPM does to you? Is it just SPM or the fact that...
I hate myself and my mind right now. I lost 4kg in 3 days. That is insane. I think I'm going into depression and my parents are super worried about me... When they ask me what's wrong, I don't know what to answer...Coz I myself don't know what's wrong...ARGHH!!!!

Aina, please stay strong and just remember not to hurt yourself because who am I going to call when I'm lost in this world? Talking to you and ratna, always cheers me up...

Ratna, I know it is hard to think positive and to act like everything's alright. But please, believe in yourself. You can do it! I know,right know,it feels like the world might just collapse around you but remember you are not going through this alone... And if you think you are not pretty, I'm sure there is at least one person out there who thinks you are( You know who I'm talkin about)...

Dear friends, I'm so sorry if I have ever hurt you and if I have not been there for you. Just know, that I didn't mean it and I am truly sorry.

Hopefully, our sleepover after SPM, puts everyone in the right mind and smiles back on our faces....

God! In all my life, I think this part has to be one of the worst or THE WORST time in my life.

But before I leave to dwell in my misery,I just want to let a certain someone out there know, that I KNOW YOUR NAME! And thank you for that, cause that has put a smile on my face( for a reason, that I too don't know)

What is wrong with me,